Human Bio Acoustics Presents:
Spectral Voice Analysis & Sound Therapy
a Bio-Directional Approach to Health
DNA was initially thought to
be the unchangeable, unavoidable, blueprint of your life and your bodies
destiny, but now it is better understood to not be that at all. So do not
throw in the towel and resign you future to some unavoidable faith or
outcome in which you believe you have no input on, because you do.
The new science of
Epigenetics (control by and above your genes), now proves old beliefs
otherwise. Think of DNA as a huge hard drive in your computer fully loaded
with countless programs. Obviously not all the programs are running all at
one time, and most of them will never be run. But the ones that are run,
are selectively turned on, or off, and can also be rewritten.
So what selectively turns on
a gene (a program) within you and why? You are at your 1st level of being
bio-electric, then bio-chemical. DNA is bio-chemical, so it is controlled
by the energetic or bio-electrical part of your being which includes your
thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
Just as most
heart attacks occur Monday morning from restarting a stressful undesirable
work week, so are many diseases turned "ON" by strongly charged, deeply
rooted thoughts, emotions, or traumatic experiences. This has a strong
effect on what parts of your DNA is turned on and how it manifests or
expresses itself physically in your health. In reverse, many people who
have experienced "Spontaneous Remissions" form terminal health conditions
have reported things like a profound change in there awareness, desire or
purpose to live made the difference. You were designed to heal yourself
from within and assisting that process can come from many sources.
Your Cells are living
liquid crystal energy semiconductors.
Just like a liquid
crystal radio, they transmit, they listen and respond to the signals
So what does all
this have to do with Human BioAcoustics? Your voice helps expose what's
going on inside you by what bioacoustics frequency equivalents are out of
coherence. Knowing this can help you bring back you natural bodies
bio-frequencies to coherence by way of external changes to the information
by way of lifestyle changes in many ways, and or feeding back to the body
frequencies through the Sound Presentation or biofeedback portion to help
the body obtain coherence on its own at the level the brain talks to your
Video - Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph. D. explains how we are
not limited by our genes ...
2 min 15 sec -
To view more after, put
cursor over
Bruce Lipton Ph.D. -
Scientist, Researcher, Author
" The Biology of Belief
" The Wisdom of Your
Cells "
" Mind Over Genes "
" Spontaneous Evolution
All this is of
course just one of the many new evolving alternative holistic approaches to
health in the field of energy medicine which in many cases tie directly
into ancient wisdoms stating that your are much more than just your body.
When it comes to YOUR LIFE and YOUR HEALTH, knowledge is crucial. So I
invite you to learn more about Human BioAcoustics here and try it for
yourself with the services available to you over the telephone to get you
started quickly, easily, and inexpensive.